She’s 5! | Orlando child photographer

Five years ago, I became a mom.  As many parents will tell you….your whole world changes the instant you look at that beautiful baby in your arms.  🙂  That’s also when my love of photography and scrapbooking began.  I wanted to document every single moment in her life.  Probably to the point of obsession but what can I say?  I was hooked!  I am grateful to her not only for bringing so much joy into our lives but for leading me on a path to discover something I love to do which has now led me to this new endeavor.  Funny how life works sometimes.

Here is a recent one of her from a few days ago.  It’s amazing how much she’s grown and changed in the last five years.   It’s just like everyone says….they grow up so so fast!  Happy Birthday baby girl (because she will forever be my ‘baby’)!  🙂

Orlando Child Photographer, Sari Underwood