Project 52 – Week Five: Obsession

I really didn’t think I would be one of those women.  I was always baffled by all the excitement and the countdowns and the Team Edward talk all over the place.  I mean, why were these grown women going gaga over a teen romance?!  And then, after numerous suggestions from a friend, she finally just gave me the DVD to watch this past summer since I wasn’t too motivated to read the book.  Yep, I did it backwards.  I saw the first two movies in the Twilight Saga.  We then went to the theater to see the third.  As cheesy as the movies can be (especially the first one) there was just something about them that drew me in (well, besides Robert Pattinson, that is!).  I loved them.   I thought “I totally GET IT now”.  And I immediately went and bought the books.  I was enthralled in my own little Twilight world after that.  I read all 4 books back-to-back in a week or so.   For a while there, I didn’t think I would come out of my Twilight obsession.  It was the weirdest thing but I know I’m not alone!  I was so hooked that when I finished Eclipse without having a copy of Breaking Dawn to read, I just bought the digital copy for my iPad.   I couldn’t wait to go to the store the next day.  Ha!  I am now eagerly awaiting the release of Breaking Dawn in theaters and thinking I might just re-read the books this year before it is released.  And the obsession will commence all over again…

Don’t forget to head on over to Staci’s blog to see what her obsession is! North Idaho Baby photographer –Staci Bailey