Project 52 – Week 7: Feet

Is it just me or is this year going by way too quickly?  We are already midway through February…crazy!  It’s another Friday and so another week of our little Project 52.  I’ve joined 16 other wonderful photographers in documenting a different theme each week.  At the end of this post, be sure to follow the link to check out the next photographer in this “blircle”.

This week was all about feet. Not all feet are pretty, let’s face it!  lol  Well, except for tiny feet which are always cute.  So of course, I turned to my youngest.  He just turned two, so he has those cute and chubby toddler feet.  Love it.  I wanted to get him while he was relaxed and lounging.  Of course that meant shooting inside my living room which is like a tomb.  Not the best light…even in the middle of the day…so I had to crank up my ISO.  This wasn’t the best shot but it was my fave.  He was on the floor with his favorite blanket, his binky and watching his favorite movie, Disney’s Cars.  Love him.  🙂

orlando child photographer

Now head on over to Staci’s blog to see her take on this week’s theme! North Idaho Baby photographer –Staci Bailey